What didactic games are?
Educational games are games with educational purposes, or which have educational value. It is also a type of active education. All kinds of these games may be used in an educational sphere. Educational games are games that are used to teach pupils about certain subjects, train children's mind, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, understand historical events or culture, or assist them in learning skills. These games include board, card, and video games.
The types of didactic games.
Games are classified by age groups:
- for children from 0 to 1 year;
- for children from 1 year to 3 years;
- for children from 3 years to 7 years;
- for children over 7 years and grown-ups.
The content of the training tasks can be very diverse: to run quickly before time is left or to call the object's shape, to find the right image, to remember a few things, etc. The game material also encourages the child to play.
The aim of this game always includes two aspects:
- cognitive;
- educational.
In both cases the goal should be formulated not as a transfer of specific knowledge and skills, but as the development of certain mental processes, or abilities of the child. To not turn the game into the assimilation of knowledge and skills, it must necessarily include a game concept. The idea of the game should be based on the specific needs and inclinations of children, and especially on their experience.
Didactic games based on imitation or simulation of a real or hypothetical situations are perspective. These educational games are informative and have emotional and personal impact.
Simulation and modeling educational games usually require a lot of time and organizational effort for their hosting and the following discussion.
Computer didactic game is a good way to form children's computer literacy, so the child can be familiar with programming languages. This also helps to get some basic skills of working on a computer. Computer games are used as a didactic tool in teaching in the different areas.

Simulation and modeling educational games usually require a lot of time and organizational effort for their hosting and the following discussion.
Computer didactic game is a good way to form children's computer literacy, so the child can be familiar with programming languages. This also helps to get some basic skills of working on a computer. Computer games are used as a didactic tool in teaching in the different areas.